Are you Multi National Company(MNC) and looking for set up in india / South Asia ?
Selected the property (Purchasing/leasing) in india/south Asia but Before the Moving ahead looking Consultancy to conduct Environment Site Assesment Study to comply as per American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) Standard to check environmental contamination of site under consideration, potential financial and commercial implication with EHS and if any liabilities associated with the business deal-
If Yes , Then please stepuo for the environment in "Eco foot forward" office to conduct the environment site assessment as per American Standard for Testing & Materials (ASTM) Standard -
ESA Phase I - To indentify the potential / Existing environment contamination Liabilities
ESA Phase II - Quality for the value of various contaminats by sampling of soil , groundwater or building materials .
ESA Phase III - Delineats the physical extent of contamination based on recommendations made in phase II assessments and assessment of alternative cleanup method , coats and logistics.